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Arya Stark | The Prince That Was Promised | The Targaryen Supremacy

 Arya Stark | The Prince That Was Promised


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I know what now you are thinking, "The Prince That Was Promised" is Arya Stark...? 


Okay, let's discuss it briefly.

The introduction


The youngest child of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully, she was first introduced to everyone in Winterfell as a tomboyish and energetic youngster. Arya stood out from Westerosi society's typical gender norms from the start thanks to her independent spirit and strong will. She was never happy living the life of a noblewoman and frequently preferred the companionship of her half-brother Jon Snow and her swordplay training with Jon and her "dancing master," Syrio Forel, to the more ladylike activities that Sansa delighted in.

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When Ned Stark, Arya's father, was wrongfully convicted of treason and killed in King's Landing, Arya's life took a dramatic shift. Being present for her father's passing was a formative event that had a lasting impact on her. This incident gave her more motivation to seek revenge and kicked off her transformation into a formidable opponent.

The List: Arya's Pursuit of Retribution

Arya's steadfast drive to exact justice on those who have mistreated her family is what makes her stand out from other characters. She made a mental list of names and repeated them as a mantra: "Joffrey, Cersei, Walder Frey, Meryn Trant..." Her to-do list became a representation of her tenacity and fuelled her development into a proficient assassin. Her training with the Faceless Men, a clandestine group that specializes in assassination and identity-shifting, gave her the ability to assume many personalities and blend in with different settings without any trouble.

The Changes of Arya

Arya took on various identities while living in Braavos, including "No One." She gained knowledge of the power of disguise and deception. Her capacity to alter her look and identity turned into a powerful tool that allowed her to penetrate the ranks of her adversaries and complete her missions with accuracy. Her character arc had a turning point when she became a faceless assassin.

Along the way, Arya encountered numerous people and organizations, notably the Brotherhood Without Banners and Sandor Clegane (The Hound), as she traveled through the Seven Kingdoms. These interactions questioned her morals and views, which finally forced her to make decisions about the course she would take. A turning point in her development as an independent woman and the depth of her moral character was the choice she made to abandon the Hound to die. 

The Westerosian world that Arya Stark lived in was forever changed by her trip through it. Many important enemies were brought down by her efforts, including Walder Frey, who was brutally killed by her. She became a symbol of resistance and empowerment due to her pursuit of justice and her refusal to follow social standards.

The Conclusion

Arya is the one who killed the Knight king. When the king Viserys I Targaryen has described the dream of Aegon to his heir there is a prophecy of "The Prince That Was Promise". It describes that the threat will appear in the north in the future. When this incident actually happened there should be a "Prince"  who has to come from the Targaryen line.

However, The Prince does not mean actually a "male". In Valyrian there are no gender changes in language. This means if someone says "He" in High Valerian it does not mean the content is a "male" it can be a whatever gender. 

We all expected Jon to kill the Knight king, however, it didn't happen. Jon played a vital role in the series, but all the credit goes to Arya as the last activity she did. 

Arya always had a different sense than other Starks. According to the story falls in, we can assume that the bloodline of Targaryen can be mixed with other noble houses as well. Arya might had Targaryen gens, which is why she acted like the savior of all citizens of Westeros.


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