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What happened to Gregor Clegane & little about him | The Targaryen Supremacy

What happened to Gregor Clegane & little about him

Source : Wikipedia


Ser Gregor Clegane well known as mountain is the person who really known as loyal servant at the Kings Landing. Very rough and direct decisions were made by him and not always adhered royal decisions. it can be clearly understand when he participated "Hand of the kings tournament". Ser loras tyrell who is mountain's opponent has beaten mountain he was furious. Mountain killed his own horse because he believed of the reason as his horse. Ser Loras use his mare to feel uncomfortable mountain's horse. Thus Mountain horse act unconscious in the battle and it lead mountain to defeat. When mountain got his defeat he killed the horse and turn to kill Ser Loras, one to one combat started and King Robert screamed to stop it. If you can remember how he acts when it happens, Yes, You know how he is.


Sandor Clegane who is the brother to Mountain has his own feeling to get a perfect revenge from his brother. In the childhood when mountain was kid he attempt his little brother (Sandor Clegane) move in to the fire. In that incident Gregor was able to move Sandor's head to fire and half from his head was burnt. The wondering part of this incident that the mountain did this because of his brother use his toys to play. 


"once killed a man for snoring."

 -Sandor Clegane | The Hound


Mountain is huge muscle beast as we can see him in the series. He was like a giant larger than any knight in kings guard. When Tywin Lannister knew that he is suitable person for slaughtered Rheghar Targaryen's family he sent mountain for it. Gregor visited and killed two targaryen children including their mother and Rheghar's beloved wife Elia Martel. However the most heartbreaking news is Prince Rhaegar anoints Gregor as a knight. The rumors proved that Gregor raped elia before he killed her. That is because Oberyn Martell arranged the battle with mountains on behalf of Tyrion lannister. In the same battle also Oberyn has failed to finish mountain. Ser Gregor Clegane killed Oberyn during the fight however Oberyn was able to give some poison during the battle to Mountain. After the battle Mountain took treatments because of Martel Poisons. As a result Ser Gregor became a Ugly beast since the Maester who treat him make some changes in his blood. 


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He became uglier after the treatments, this incident proves that "What goes around, Will come around" as a brother he made his ill brother uglier & the same has happened to him. 

        "Remember Me? Yeah, You Do. You're Even Uglier Than I Am Now."
Sandor believes he is the only survivor of his elder brother's rage-fueled rampages; he can't prove Gregor's connection to the suspicious deaths of his father and sister, but the Hound's Taking for granted is justified, given the Mountain's blood thirst and disregard for inherited feelings. 


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Some rumors elaborates that "Manticore" puts mountain in to coma. Grand Maester Pycelle insists that he cannot be revived. Qyburn rejects his fears, claiming to have hidden medical expertise gained through his heinous experiments. Cersei is informed that "the process may change him, somewhat," but she is unconcerned as long as he retains his vigor.

Finally when Daenerys Targaryen attacking Kings Landing Ser Gregor was with his queen to protect her. When walls are falling Mountain give his back to protect the queen and he was able to keep her safe until he finds Sandor, according to the nature Ser Gregor refused to protect queen when he saw his brother, the revenge is thicker than the duty. First he killed Qyburn (Hand of the queen) and let the queen leave. Then he faced his brother and from that fight both brothers were fall in to the fire. No any source has been found of them.


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