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Relationships of Daemon Targaryen | The Targaryen Supremacy

Relationships of Daemon Targaryen


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The rogue prince (Daemon Targaryen) was born in 81 AC as a true-blooded Targaryen since both parents of the prince were Targaryens (Prince Baelon Targaryen and Princess Alyssa Targaryen) The prince was family oriented person and he sacrificed any of his belongings for the eternal glory of the House Targaryen. 

Daemon has a several taste in his relationships and the earliest relationships he had, he mentioned while his argument had with his own brother King Viserys I, that both of them used to visit Brothels when they were at young age. Thus the story tells that the Daemon used to has affairs with Whores at young age. 

The people of the Westeros named Daemon as the "Prince of the City" in view of the Prince familiar with maintaining relationships with the people of Westeros. People loved Daemon and all of Westerosi believed the prince like he was from their family. When the Blood and Cheese incident happened Daemon was control the total situation and revenged by using two of his men from the Westeros. Daemon did it without moving a single step into Westeros. 

Daemon closely keeps his companionship with Dragon Keepers, which is why they helped him choose Caraxses as his mount. Once Daemon stole the dragon egg from the dragonpit many dragon keepers did not reveal Daemon's name until the king commanded to reveal it. Dragon-keepers help Daemon to be sent away from Westeros with his dragon and visit Westeros when he needs it. In the season we have seen that Daemon has produced three dragon eggs to dragon-keepers and that proves Daemon had a good understanding and trustworthiness against dragon-keepers. 

Daemon built the Gold cloaks periodically as they were not a fully grown army to protect the King's Landing. When daemon took the leadership of them, they only were the City Watch. Daemon the person who granted them a Cloak in gold and renamed them Gold Cloaks. When Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen returned with team black, the gold cloaks might involved to protect the city. However once they had seen a blood worm in the sky they had kept their swords in the Sheathe, they knew with that sign their prince had returned to the King's Landing. 

Daemon married Rhea Royce as a arranged marriage. He never liked to marry Lady Rhea, thus he had a favor about Runestone, a land which owned by Lady Rhea. When the time comes Daemon intend to murder his first wife by crushing her head by a Stone.

Later Daemon made Laena Velaryon his second wife. He spends time with Lady Laena and maintains a good relationship with House Velaryon. He flew with her many times and had two daughters (Twins). Lady Laena Velaryon died when she was giving birth to Daemon's next baby however Lady Laena escaped her death in bed, Daemon wanted to get her into Driftmark Where the House Velaryon is located since they were popular for having maestors of curing many diseases. 

Once Laena passed away, Rhaenyra Targaryen (Daemon's Niece) requested his hand to take her father's crown back. Daemon married Rhaenyra and had two children. All the fights that belonged to Dance of the Dragon happened afterward. 

In Daemon's last relationship, there is a small girl "Nettles" who is an arranged dragon rider for DOD. The rumors say that Daemon escaped from the Battle Above the Gods Eye when he finished the battle by killing Prince Aemond and his dragon Vhagar.


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