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Did anyone try to stop the Mad King? | The Targaryen Supremacy

Did anyone try to stop the Mad King?


Source : Google


Yes. and unexpectedly, people despise him for it.

Robert Baratheon asked his best friend Ned Stark to lead the army to King's Landing during Robert's Rebellion in order to claim the Capital of Westeros on his behalf after the Battle of the Trident and the death of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen in 283 AC. However, Lord Tywin Lannister learned of the plan and promptly marched into the city ahead of Ned, claiming to be loyal to the King and asking King Aerys II to open the gates.

Aerys listened to Grand Maester Pycelle, who persuaded him that Tywin was faithful and forced him to open the gates. Tywin's Firstborn, Ser Jaime Lannister, Knight of Aerys' Kingsguard, knew that his father was not on the losing side and attempted to convince the King of it along with Lord Varys, the Master of Whispers.

Aerys and the city were taken aback when the Lannister Army started robbing, sexually assaulting, and killing the Targaryen king's subjects. Realizing that the war was lost, Aerys gave the order to his pyromancer to start a wildfire beneath King's Landing, killing everyone in the process.

Realizing that Aerys could set himself on fire, Jaime murdered the pyromancer and honored his protection oath by stabbing the Mad King in the back, thereby sparing King's Landing. Sadly, almost right away, Jaime was sitting on the Iron Throne with Aerys dead at his feet when Ned Stark and the Baratheon Army arrived. Despite Lord Stark's honor, he denounced Jaime as the Kingslayer—a label he never relinquished—and insisted that Jaime be sent to the Wall.

After receiving a pardon from the recently minted King Robert I, Ser Jaime returned to the Kingsguard alongside Ser Barristan Selmy. Despite saving almost half a million lives, he was still referred to as Kingslayer.

The Kingslayer, Ser Jaime Lannister with the bold Ser Barristan Selmy


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